External Transfer FAQs

Home External Transfers FAQs

Q: When will the new external transfer system be available?
The new external transfer system will be available in December. 

Q: How can I access the new external transfer platform?
The new platform will be found in online or mobile banking under “Move Money” - “New External Transfers”.

Q: What will I be able to do in the new external transfer platform?

A lot of the same capabilities will be available along with some new features:

  • Easily add your external accounts at other financial institutions through the MX feature by logging into your external account or by using the account and routing number.
  • Use Account to Account (A2A) to transfer funds to your own external accounts.
  • Use Person to Person (P2P) to transfer funds to another person via email or text message.
  • Schedule future and recurring transfers.

Q: When will the current external transfer platform be discontinued?

A: The current platform will be available until early January. Please cancel all recurring or scheduled transfers or payments before then and set them up within the New External Transfer platform.

Q: Are there any features of the current transfer platform that will no longer be available?

A: All the current features are available, except for the ability to request payments from people that you know through text or email.

Q: What types of accounts can I use for external transfers?

A: You can use your checking and savings accounts in this system. For loan payments, please use the “Pay Your Loan” tab.