Workers Blog

Home Workers Blog

Resources to Help You Make Informed Decisions

This blog is packed with educational resources, online banking tutorials, newsworthy stories and kudos to employees who are making a difference. 

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Phishing For Trouble: Cybersecurity Measures To Keep Your Information Safe

We’ve all been there. You get an email and something just doesn’t seem right. Is it fraud? How do you know? What should you do? Cybersecurity is something financial institutions are very vigilant about. Scams are a big problem that has only gotten worse since the pandemic.

Apr 15, 2024

Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Finances

Category: Financial Wellness

Spring turns many people’s thoughts to cleaning. It is also a good time to think about deep cleaning your finances. Workers Credit Union has some tips to help you get organized.

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Mar 05, 2024

Up To Their Old Tricks: Telephone Fraud

Category: Fraud Prevention

Once forgotten for fancier cyber-attacks, criminals have brought analog back to the forefront, and we have some tips to help protect your information.

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Feb 27, 2024

How To Avoid Email Scams

Category: Fraud Prevention

Every day our inboxes are inundated with legitimate emails from friends, family, coworkers, and a variety of subscriptions. But hiding in between all of them are criminals waiting to strike. We have some tips to avoid these types of scams.

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Feb 21, 2024

How To Avoid Tax Traps

Categories: Financial WellnessTaxes

Workers Credit Union has tips to help you avoid common tax mistakes, which will make the process run smoother.

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Feb 13, 2024

How To Protect Your Heart And Your Wallet

Category: Fraud Prevention

Love is in the air and so are romance scams. Fraudsters like to target vulnerable individuals this time of year by establishing trust in order to access personal information. We have the red flags to look for and what to do if scammed.

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Feb 08, 2024

How to Balance Love and Your Checkbook

Category: Financial Wellness

Workers Credit Union has tips on how couples can talk to each other and navigate love and money as a team.

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Jan 24, 2024

Marry the House, Date the Rate

Category: Homeownership

Betty Anders, Assistant Vice President of Mortgage Origination, has some tips to consider when deciding what works best for you and your family - a fixed rate or adjustable rate mortgage.

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Jan 12, 2024

Simplify Your Debt Repayment Strategy

Category: Financial Wellness

Debt consolidation may be a smart strategy to help you repay your credit cards. Workers Credit Union has insights on how you can determine if this strategy makes sense for your situation.

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Dec 29, 2023

Planning for the New Year Ahead

Category: Financial Wellness

Each new year, people make resolutions and set ambitious goals to better their financial health. Planning can help achieve these goals. Workers Credit Union has tips that can help.

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Dec 13, 2023

Saving For The Unexpected: Emergency Funds

Category: Financial Wellness

Workers Credit Union has tips for saving for the unplanned life events in your personal finances as well for your business.

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