Personal Loans

Home Personal Loans Personal Loans

Flexible Loans to Help with Life’s Other Expenses

Getting married? Buying a pet? Need a new hot water heater? A personal loan can be the answer when you need money to finance your plans. Or use it to consolidate debt into one manageable payment.

Apply Now
  • Borrow $500 to $50,000
  • Flexible options up to 60 months
  • Apply online for quick approval
  • Discounted rate with autopay from a Workers checking2

Convenient Online Payments

Pay your loan anytime from your online banking account or through the mobile app.3

Personal Loans1,2

Apply Now
Loan Amount
up to $14.999.99
$15,000 to $50,000

1Subject to credit underwriting and approval. Loan amount may vary based upon credit approval. Visit our rates page for all available rates and terms. Rates effective as of 9/10/2021 and subject to change at any time. Offers may be withdrawn at any time. Workers Federal Credit Union membership required. APR=Annual Percentage Rate.

²APR includes a .500% discount for automatic payments from any Workers Checking Account. Minimum to open a Workers Checking Account is $5. If automatic payments from a Workers Checking Account  cease at any time, for any reason, the .500% discount will be forfeited, which will result in an immediate increase in rate and monthly payment. Once the .500% discount is forfeited, it is forfeited for the life of the loan. Other rates and terms are available. Visit our rates page for all available rates and terms

3Text, data, and messaging rates apply for downloading/utilizing the app and text alerts.